LETTER: October 2017. The High Commissioner, British High Commission, 19, Torrens Close, Maitama

Dear Sir, RE: UNLAWFUL RAIDS, INTIMIDATION AND LOOTING IN THE HOME OF NNAMDI KANU, BY THE Nigeria MILITARY OPERATIVES AND THEIR POLICE COUNTERPARTS, ON THE 8TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2017 We are Solicitors to the family of HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Eze Israel Okwu-Kanu hereinafter referred to as “Our Client” and on whose standing instruction we file this communication with the British Government. It is our brief, that on the 8th day of October, 2017, our Client’s son’s home (Nnamdi Kanu) in Afaraukwu Ibeku, Umuahia, in Abia State was invaded, and violently looted by rampaging nigerian Soldiers and their police counterparts. The CCTV footage which picked the horrendous raids, revealed the brazen looting and carting away of valuables and household equipments by the above named security agents. The raid and consequent looting in the home of our Client’s son, (a British Citizen) by the Soldiers and their Police counterparts does not enjoy the protection, backing, and legitimacy of any known legislative enactment in Nigeria, more so, when there are various pending Law suits, instituted at the Federal High Court Abuja, Nigeria, challenging, on the whole, the initial murderous invasion of Nnamdi Kanu’s home by the Nigerian Soldiers, his abduction from his home or his possible elimination by the rampaging troops, request for Court order to compel the Nigerian Military to produce Nnamdi Kanu in court, and also Law Suit requesting the Court to vacate the Exparte order purportedly proscribing Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB) and their designation as a terrorist organization. We may not conveniently dwell extensively on the details of this law Suit.

 Till date, neither our Client’s family members nor Solicitors has been able to establish any form of contact with Nnamdi Kanu since the murderous invasion of his home on the 14th September 2017, by the trigger happy soldiers. It is therefore, not unlikely, that he may have been killed in the well coordinated bloody onslaught in his home. It is reasonably expected Sir, that the Nigerian Government should respect the judicial process and allow the status quo to subsist, pending the determination of the above referenced cases, instead of resorting to brute but inordinate means to intimidate further, and harass the already havoc-wrecked members of our client’s family. The attached unimpeachable CCTV footage picked clearly the horrendous activity of these rampaging security personnel in the home of our client. Very apposite to bring to the attention of the British Government, that on the 10th day of October 2017, the Federal Government of Nigeria deliberately failed to show appearance in the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice Abuja, to defend, USD$800, Million Suit filed by Nnamdi Kanu, since 2016, for reparation on account of gross violation of his Fundamental Rights. For inexplicable reasons not grounded in Law or practice, the matter was for the 3rd time, adjourned at the instance of the Federal Government of Nigeria, who is desperately frustrating the proceedings of the court using their overbearing influence. Suit challenging the purported proscription of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and its branding as a terrorist organization is pending before the very Court that issued the obnoxious order. Despite timeouts steps taken to ensure that the order of proscription made without jurisdiction, is promptly revisited, it was now scheduled for hearing on the 23rd day of October, 2017. This is despite the fact that the Exparte Order purportedly proscribing the Indigenous People of Biafra was obtained the same day the Originating Process was filed in the same Court by the Attorney General of the Federation of Nigeria. The British Government is respectfully advised to treat the most touted proscription of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) with greatest circumspect as the legality or otherwise of such exercise is now a subject of litigation. It cannot stand because the entire process culminating to the granting of the order is laden with high powered conspiracy, double standard, and bad faith. It is more so, when the order in question is now being challenged in Suit No FHC/ABJ/CS/871/­2017, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION VS INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA (IPOB), and slated for hearing on the 23rd day of October, 2017. We therefore commend the British Government in particular, and other responsible foreign Governments for rising up to the occasion in their uniform condemnation of the murderous military onslaught in the South Eastern States of Nigeria, particularly the bloody raid on Nnamdi Kanu’s home, and proscription of Indigenous People of Biafra. The Federal Government of Nigeria is under obligation to furnish the British Government with the particulars of Nnamdi Kanu’s current state. The question on Nnamdi Kanu’s whereabouts has continued to beg for an answer, which must be answered by force.

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